Yesterday, I finished the Dark Sword amazon. The result is okay, not great; I suppose that means I may have raised my expectations a bit, however unintentionally. Or maybe the sculpt demanded more precision with larger 'cloth' and skin areas needing smooth blending, smaller details, greenstuff for the hair, etc. Either way, I spent a little too much time on it and started to get slightly tired of working on it, but at least it's finished and off my table.

I also picked Carinth back up, and in between those tasks slapped some Grey Liner on armor areas of 3 men-at-arms and 1 knight, all Grenadier, Julie Guthrie. Well, the knight might be otherwise, but, whatever. They all got some pumice paste to hide the bases, too.

Carinth has a lot of stuff going on with details in the sculpt and OSL, so she may get a new WIP thread. Maybe. I don't want the photos and posts to distract from painting or make it feel like 'work' again. On the other hand, I could probably use some feedback on some of the challenges I've set for myself on this piece.

Hmmm...decisions, decisions...