Originally posted by Delarn
Thursday september 8th: Busy making my business plan... I want to have the STA(A subvention that helps entrepreneur to start their business with help from the government) so I need to make a plan of a business plan. While doing that I'll be casting miniatures and continuing the Pregrant Elf(35mm and 85mm).
I'll start the Durj Trooper, Simplex and necro lord, later this month.

The Durj Trooper will be a modular ball jointed miniature (A good practice for my character miniatures that will have a similar system), the Necro Lord will be next. And I'll finish with Simplex.

For now I need to get that plan of business plan done and that miniature casting done too. (15 min and it's done tho. Then I'll be able to cast an other one in 45 min) I can go up to 10 cast in a single day, but the mold is going to suffer from it.

Hope to have some pictures done for the miniatures tomorrow (Friday). Since then enjoy!